保羅和李察首先引領我們到他們的社團專屬釣場,即坦河(River Tone)的上游。初次來此農場旁的釣場,打量了一下釣場環境,心裡不免要懷疑:這不過就是條給牛隻飲水的小溪溝吧,真的有鱒魚可釣嗎?李察老爹似乎看穿我的心事,解釋說明,這裡就是他們常來的釣場之一,裡面除了有棕鱒之外,還有茴香魚可釣,運氣好時還可以遇到逾尺的大傢伙。
Paul and Richard led us to their private water, the upstream of River Tone. Once we got to the fishing place, I looked around the environment and I was a little “surprised”. This is just a small stream for the cows which run through the farm, is it possible to fish any trout? I though it in mind. Richard seemed to see through my mind. He explained that here was one of the private water where they often come to fish. There is not only brown trout but also grayling, and the angler even can catch the trout which is over 30cm if he has some good luck.
接著保羅指出一個可能藏有棕鱒的標點,示意我們可以試試看,這是個位於一棵倒樹後方的標點,並不容易施展拋投動作,大軒、小左以及筆者三人彼此互看了一下,還是決定把這樣標點留給釣鱒經驗較豐富的小左下手。小左緩緩的從下游接近標點,從捲線器裡抽出一段重量,揮個兩三下進行短距離拋投,小心的將毛鉤落在倒樹的樹蔭下。此時李察老爹特別提醒我們,當地的鱒魚因長期經歷釣友的「調教」,早已練就識別毛鉤或水生昆蟲的好功夫;毛鉤漂餌時,務必要呈現「自然漂餌」(Nature drift),一旦毛鉤漂餌不自然,稍微刮出點水痕,水下的鱒魚馬上便識破釣人的詭計。另外,因為我們來訪前才下了一週的大雨,水溫偏低,降低了水生昆蟲的羽化和鱒魚的活性,因此垂釣難度更為增加。試了一會兒,小左不禁皺了眉頭,直呼不容易!
Paul pointed out a point where probably would be a trout hind there, and asked us to take a try. This was a point which just behind a falling tree, and is was not easy to do the cast. Caddis, Wesley and I looked at each other, and decided to leave the point to Wesley who has better experience in trout fishing. Wesley approached the point from downstream carefully, extracting a length of fly line from the reel, then we saw Wesley did a short cast to let the fly fall on the surface which just under the shadow of tree. Meanwhile, Richard reminded us that the trout in the water are well educated, they have learned how to distinguish the artificial fly and nature insect. The angler must present fly with nature drift, and if there is any dead drag occur, the trout in the water will know that it is a trick. In addition, it had rained heavily for one week just before we arrived, the water temperature was low, so the hatch of aquatic insects and activity of trout was low, too. This was another disadvantage factor for fishing. Wesley had tried for a while, bending his brows, and said that it was not easy to fish the trout.
Caddis saw that the water was not clear, so decided to fish with nymph and to try that if there was any trout. Paul then reminded him, said that the bait the nymph very light, it was difficult for angler to catch the signal from baiting. When angler fish with nymph, he should present the fly with drag free, additionally, he also has to watch the moment of line tip carefully. If the line behaves any hesitancy, it is the signal of baiting. Then angler should hook the trout immediately, or the trout will find out the artificial fly is a trick and reject it. We three guys had tried with dry and nymph, there were no result. It was a difficult challenge for us.
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