Size: 25cm
Pattern: #14 CDC Mayfly(鴨臀絨蜉蝣)
The angler: Wesley Tso
Time: May, 2007
Place: River Tone, England (坦河,英格蘭)
由於茴香魚外觀優雅,經常成群緩緩的在溪流中穿梭、覓食,因此茴香魚又被稱為「溪流小姐」(Lady of stream)。茴香魚對於高溫和化學物質的忍受力不佳,且目前仍然無法以人工方式繁殖,因此茴香魚資源對於釣遊人而言顯的格外珍貴,這也是為什麼歐洲毛鉤釣遊人熱衷於垂釣茴香魚,並且保護茴香魚的原因。
Grayling is a kind of trout which spread around the arctic, there are three species in the world. The name of grayling means the color of fish, and the Latin “thymus” origins from “thyme”, it means grayling has the aroma likes watermelon. Grayling is usually about 20cm, and the one over 30cm is the bigger size. Her characteristics are the big and colorful dorsal fin and the small but cute mouth.
The appearance of grayling is elegant, they usually gather as a group swim and feed in the river. This is the reason why grayling is called as “lady of stream”. Grayling can not endure high temperature and chemical pollution, and are difficult to farm, neither. Thus, grayling seem to be the treasure for anglers. This is why European anglers love to fish grayling and protect them.
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