Sunday, August 31, 2008

Where is trout? 鱒魚在哪兒

釣鱒魚的關鍵就在找上浮的魚訊 (rise),但今天的上浮在哪兒呢?
Finding the rise is the key to fish the trout. But......where is the rise?

Fishing in the Quiet and Lovely Horner Water 浪漫釣遊在號手溪

日,保羅和李察帶領我們來到Somerset的另一處釣場—號手溪(Horner Water)。號手溪可說是李察老爹的秘密花園,究竟它有多隱密呢?當一行人去購買釣魚券時才知道,手中這張釣魚券收據,竟然是早在半個世紀前就印製好,五十多年來因鮮少有釣人造訪,以致於當初印製好的釣魚券迄今尚未使用完畢!
The next day, Paul and Richard took us to Horner Water, the other fishing water in Somerset. Horner Water is the secret garden of Richard. Once we came to tollbooth and buy the fishing tickets, we finally realized that the tickets we got, which was printed in a half of century ago. There are few people who know Horner Water, so the tickets still haven’t been sold out.

Despite the trout in Horner Water was not as tough as we fished in River Tone, however, due to the stream is extremely narrow, both of the riversides are woody, and the trees even overgrow to cover the sky. It was the test for the casting and point-selecting skill of an angler. In order to cast in such a small room, Richard prepared a 6’6” bamboo rod for us particularly, in the other hand, the leader shorten to less than 9ft.

Due to having the trout fishing experience from yesterday, this time we got on track soon. Wesley followed the instruction by Richard, it only cost him a few minutes, then Wesley got a small brown trout which was about 20cm. While we were exclaiming for the small but beautiful trout, Richard explained that there was no people has ever released artificial trout in Horner Water, thus all the brown trout in Horner Water is native and landlocked species. Next, Caddis and I got some brown trout, too. Especially, Caddis landed up a big trout which was about 26cm in an unfavorable point. Caddis washed the bad luck away finally.

Horner Water is a good place for fly fishing, and because it is located in the region of Exmoor National Park, there are many people come here to practice outdoor activities in holiday. There were a lot of people go hiking in the simple trail, sometimes horseback rider passed through the trail, too. When it was in the noon, we decided to take a rest, enjoying the sandwich which Richard prepared for us. It was a pleasure to share the fly fishing and travel experience with each other. With the sounds of breeze, stream and people's laughter, we spent an enjoyable weekend in Horner Water.

Encounter with Trout 與鱒魚驚豔的邂逅


While we were frustrated, we asked the well experienced Richard to make demonstration for us. Richard held a stick in his left hand, and cast the fly with right hand easily. Because River Tone was narrow, thus Richard did one false cast at each cast. By doing so, it could prevent the trout from being scared by movement of cast, secondly, the short cast avoided the line and fly being trapped by tree or weed. And just for a while, Richard got responses for twice, and among of which everybody even saw a big brown trout jumped out of the water to bite the fly. After seeing the demonstration, we all had to admire Richard’s skill. If we could not catch any trout, the reason would be our fishing skill, not there was no trout in the river.
Paul led me come to a point where was further upstream, pointing at the area which was close to weed, he though there might be a trout and asked me to take a try. I knelt down to keep myself low, then cast a fly into the point carefully. The fly had floated by the side of weed for several times, there was no response. But just while I was going to give up, there came a splash that broke the clam water. Despite I missed the chance, Paul reminded me to cast the fly in the same point, because the trout might still be there. This time I prepared well, once a splash came, a nice strike made the line tight, then a smile came one the angler’s face.
After I landed up the first trout, it was a great pump for everybody. Later, Wesley also caught a brown trout. Additionally, while there were a lot of mayflies hatched in the afternoon, Wesley even landed up a beautiful grayling in upstream. After Wesley released the grayling, then he made a gesture for me to take a try. Because grayling is not as nervous as brown trout, so probably there is still some grayling can fish. It was true, I got a grayling immediately once my dry fly touched the surface. However, the grayling swam downstream by the flow and dived into woods, besides, I used barbless hook, so I lost it in the end. What a shame.
However, Caddis was the one who has bad luck. No matter how hard he did, he did not find favour with trout. While Caddis dragged line and tried to move forward, then all of sudden, there was a big splash on his fly. Caddis was shocked and made a strike without any consideration, but it had been too late to strike. All of us laughed, leaving the Caddis stunned in the riverside. In general, the first day of fishing trip Wesley and I still landed two grayling and three brown trout up.

There Is No Luck 毫無僥倖的機會

羅和李察首先引領我們到他們的社團專屬釣場,即坦河(River Tone)的上游。初次來此農場旁的釣場,打量了一下釣場環境,心裡不免要懷疑:這不過就是條給牛隻飲水的小溪溝吧,真的有鱒魚可釣嗎?李察老爹似乎看穿我的心事,解釋說明,這裡就是他們常來的釣場之一,裡面除了有棕鱒之外,還有茴香魚可釣,運氣好時還可以遇到逾尺的大傢伙。
Paul and Richard led us to their private water, the upstream of River Tone. Once we got to the fishing place, I looked around the environment and I was a little “surprised”. This is just a small stream for the cows which run through the farm, is it possible to fish any trout? I though it in mind. Richard seemed to see through my mind. He explained that here was one of the private water where they often come to fish. There is not only brown trout but also grayling, and the angler even can catch the trout which is over 30cm if he has some good luck.
著保羅指出一個可能藏有棕鱒的標點,示意我們可以試試看,這是個位於一棵倒樹後方的標點,並不容易施展拋投動作,大軒、小左以及筆者三人彼此互看了一下,還是決定把這樣標點留給釣鱒經驗較豐富的小左下手。小左緩緩的從下游接近標點,從捲線器裡抽出一段重量,揮個兩三下進行短距離拋投,小心的將毛鉤落在倒樹的樹蔭下。此時李察老爹特別提醒我們,當地的鱒魚因長期經歷釣友的「調教」,早已練就識別毛鉤或水生昆蟲的好功夫;毛鉤漂餌時,務必要呈現「自然漂餌」(Nature drift),一旦毛鉤漂餌不自然,稍微刮出點水痕,水下的鱒魚馬上便識破釣人的詭計。另外,因為我們來訪前才下了一週的大雨,水溫偏低,降低了水生昆蟲的羽化和鱒魚的活性,因此垂釣難度更為增加。試了一會兒,小左不禁皺了眉頭,直呼不容易!

Paul pointed out a point where probably would be a trout hind there, and asked us to take a try. This was a point which just behind a falling tree, and is was not easy to do the cast. Caddis, Wesley and I looked at each other, and decided to leave the point to Wesley who has better experience in trout fishing. Wesley approached the point from downstream carefully, extracting a length of fly line from the reel, then we saw Wesley did a short cast to let the fly fall on the surface which just under the shadow of tree. Meanwhile, Richard reminded us that the trout in the water are well educated, they have learned how to distinguish the artificial fly and nature insect. The angler must present fly with nature drift, and if there is any dead drag occur, the trout in the water will know that it is a trick. In addition, it had rained heavily for one week just before we arrived, the water temperature was low, so the hatch of aquatic insects and activity of trout was low, too. This was another disadvantage factor for fishing. Wesley had tried for a while, bending his brows, and said that it was not easy to fish the trout.
Caddis saw that the water was not clear, so decided to fish with nymph and to try that if there was any trout. Paul then reminded him, said that the bait the nymph very light, it was difficult for angler to catch the signal from baiting. When angler fish with nymph, he should present the fly with drag free, additionally, he also has to watch the moment of line tip carefully. If the line behaves any hesitancy, it is the signal of baiting. Then angler should hook the trout immediately, or the trout will find out the artificial fly is a trick and reject it. We three guys had tried with dry and nymph, there were no result. It was a difficult challenge for us.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Angling Regulation of UK 英國垂釣須知

國的垂釣申請算是比較複雜些。首先,釣者必須先向「環境局」(Environment Agency)申請釣竿執照(rod license)有了釣竿執照後,雖然可以持該執照到一些野場水域垂釣,但是大部分的鱒魚釣場,釣者必須另外取得當地的垂釣許可,而擁有或承租當地垂釣權的單位可能是國家公園、私人農場或是民間釣魚社團等等,一日券的收費從10英鎊左右到數十英鎊以上不等。倘若沒有獲得相關單位允許而擅自闖入私人水域垂釣,被抓到的話可是會被重罰2000~3000英鎊喔!


The procedure of applying fishing license in UK is a little complex. First, the angler has to apply rod license from Environment Agency. After the rod license is acquired, the angler can fish in certain waters, but most of trout fishing waters require specific permit for fishing in local. The fishing right probably owned by national park, private farm or private fishing club etc. The daily ticket usually charges from 10 pounds to dozens of pounds. If the angler does not get appropriated license and fish in private water, he will be heavily fined from 2,000 pounds to 3,000 pounds.

There are two fishing seasons in UK. The season for brown trout starts from March to October, and for grayling, begins from June to February. The detail of opening season and regulations differ by locals.

Fly Fishing Trip in Lake District 英格蘭湖區釣遊


我們抵達湖區時,沒一會兒,陰沈的天空竟然下起雨來,突如其來的雨勢,就好像有人從天空倒了一桶水似的,來得又快又疾。既然無法在外漫步取景,我們只好隔著車窗玻璃,沿途欣賞略為模糊的湖區風景。 然而說也奇怪,當山丘東側的塞爾湖(Thirlmere)地區降下傾盆大雨時,另一側的凱斯科鎮(Keswick)卻是滴雨未下,短短十英里左右的路程,天氣的轉變竟然如此戲劇化,沒辦法,這就是天氣詭譎的英國。於是趁著天色尚明,我們決定先在城鎮附近的格列塔河 (River Greta)進行垂釣。



Sunday, August 24, 2008

坪林生態調查 Field Work in Pinglin




Saturday, August 23, 2008

茴香魚 Grayling

Fish species:茴香魚 (Thymallus thymallus)
Size: 25cm
Pattern: #14 CDC Mayfly(鴨臀絨蜉蝣)
The angler: Wesley Tso
Time: May, 2007
Place: River Tone, England (坦河,英格蘭)

由於茴香魚外觀優雅,經常成群緩緩的在溪流中穿梭、覓食,因此茴香魚又被稱為「溪流小姐」(Lady of stream)。茴香魚對於高溫和化學物質的忍受力不佳,且目前仍然無法以人工方式繁殖,因此茴香魚資源對於釣遊人而言顯的格外珍貴,這也是為什麼歐洲毛鉤釣遊人熱衷於垂釣茴香魚,並且保護茴香魚的原因。

Grayling is a kind of trout which spread around the arctic, there are three species in the world. The name of grayling means the color of fish, and the Latin “thymus” origins from “thyme”, it means grayling has the aroma likes watermelon. Grayling is usually about 20cm, and the one over 30cm is the bigger size. Her characteristics are the big and colorful dorsal fin and the small but cute mouth.
The appearance of grayling is elegant, they usually gather as a group swim and feed in the river. This is the reason why grayling is called as “lady of stream”. Grayling can not endure high temperature and chemical pollution, and are difficult to farm, neither. Thus, grayling seem to be the treasure for anglers. This is why European anglers love to fish grayling and protect them.

棕鱒 Brown trout

Fish species:棕鱒 (Salmo trutta)
Size: 23.5cm
Pattern: #14 CDC Mayfly(鴨臀絨蜉蝣)
The angler: David Sung
Time: May, 2007
Place: River Tone, England (坦河,英格蘭)

Brown trout are wide spread in streams and lakes of Europe. The color and size of brown trout varies from different habitats. The streams in England are usually small, thus the wild brown trout often caught in the size of 15 to30cm. Some of artificial propagated trout or the one which lives in lake can grow up to 40 to 50cm. The nature of predator of brown trout is significant, it takes aquatic insects and fish fry, besides, some large size trout which maybe over 60 or 70cm even takes small mice and frogs.