Thursday, January 24, 2008

落實台灣的溪流管理研究(一)Promote the Management of Stream Resource in Taiwan

Due to lack of the concepts and regulations in nature resource management for a long time, the nature resource in Taiwan is either suffered from abusing or protected by forbidden regulations. National parks and conservations are the example of the later. In the contrast, some of the advanced foreign countries have seen the nature environment as resource and managed it with proper ways.

Once I had an opportunity to cooperate with the professors in National Taiwan University and Kaohsiung Medical College occasionally. I started to study in fish sample collection, stream fishing resource and stream ecology under the conducting of Mr. Lin, Mr. Yu and Mr. Chu.
I had completed the basic data collection of northern streams within the six-year project. And I also had collected all the kinds of genus Opsariichthys of sample in Taiwan and sent to examination. Most of the important, I serious consider the management methods and regulations which could be applied in stream area in the future. Meanwhile, I also train a group of volunteers to practice field work. It is somewhat one of the ways to feedback society and environment.

Friday, January 18, 2008

早安福隆 垂釣美好時光Good Morning, Fulong. Fishing in Beautiflu Time

Say good morning to Fulong! We arrived at Fulong beach in the early morning. The dark purple sky turned to blue, and the cloud of storm made the sunglow much brilliant. What a beautiful thing it was that having a fly fishing in such time.
著逐漸漲起的潮水,小魚毛鉤發揮功效,讓這天清晨的釣果還不錯!不過僅遇到15~20公分的六帶鯵(Caranx sexfasciatus),另外就是二、三尾三指幅的小花身雞魚(Therapon jarbua)也來捧場。
With the rising tide, the small fish streamer got the responds gradually. Even Kenny and I only caught some Jackfish in the size of 15~20cm and a few small Threestripe Tigerfish, it was not bad for the morning fishing.
可惜當日天候不穩定,一是颱風外圍環流肆虐,先是小雨間歇,終被大雨打斷。 二是隆隆溪中下游有人施工,讓水越來越濁,以至於九點以後兩害相加,讓Kenny與我只得鳴金休兵。可惜!可惜!Unfortunately, such enjoyable fishing time didn’t maintain too long. Because the approaching typhoon bring the rain occasionally, in addition, Longlong stream made the water turn to dreggy refer to there was a construction under going in the upstream. Kenny and I were forced to end the fly fishing trip after 9 am. What a shame.

瑞芳釣目孔Catch "Large-Eye" in Rueifang

孔(Sinbrama macrops)喜好生活在緩流性的水域,因此基隆河從猴峒到瑞芳都有分布。這天我們一行人到瑞芳國芳橋一帶作釣,成績不錯!而且此地的目孔還真是不挑,天色亮時,只要稍微加重的若蟲毛鉤即可,閃亮的串珠頭毛鉤則更佳;天色暗時,連乾毛鉤也吃的很兇!
Large-eye (Sinbrama macrops) prefers to live in the river where the flow is slowly. And there is great number of population which distributes from Houdong to Rueifang in Keelung River. One day of the summer, we a couple of friends went to Rueifang fish for Large-eye.The Large-eye was not selective. When the sky was bright, nymph with a bit of weight is okay for fishing Large-eye, and the bright beadhead fly was much better. When the sky was dark, Large-eye took dry fly heavily.


According to the past field work experience, Large-eye usually gather by size and swim in a shoal. Therefore, it is a common circumstance that the fish in the same size which has been caught in the same point.

Large-eye and Thickhead chub have become the ascendant fishes in Keelung River. Although the water quality has been much better than ten years ago, the wastes from households still need to be improved. In addition, the illegal netting activity also causes negative impact to nature.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

阿猴曲腰首戰Josh Challenged to Fish Top-mouth Culter for the First Time

Before recording “Follow me after the class”TV program, I invited Josh went to explore the location with me. The purpose of exploration was to make sure the quantity and size of Top-mouth culter.是阿猴第一次釣翹嘴紅鮊,瘋狂的他不知為何要帶慢速調的豐益7614挑戰,我甚至深刻疑惑他有可能拿這隻竿子拋#14的小型飾帶毛鉤嗎?結果猴兄當然是「痛苦萬分」又「擔心受怕」!於是建議他還接過我手的中速調的8024,而他也不負所望,順利挑戰成功,而且還連莊數尾呢!
This was the first time that Josh fished Top-mouth culter. However, I was surprised that he carried the 4 pieces, slow action #1 fly rod as the tackle. And I also wondered that how could he use such tackle to cast out #14 streamer. As my anticipation of course, Josh was frustrated by the #1 slow action tackle. Therefore, I suggested him to use the #2 medium fast tackle which I carried. Finally, Josh landed some Top-mouth culter up successfully.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

夏天的大直河濱The River Side of Dajhih in Summer

It was not easy to see such beautiful blue sky in Taipei. It was a fine weather with gentle breeze. We rode on scooters and drove toward to Dajhih Riverside Park, searching for the game fish ─ Tarpon. Some people consider it is not easy to fish Tarpon in summer. However, if the angler can use the proper tackle and choose fishing in the right tide, landing up some Tarpon is just as easy as walking in the park. Fishing Tarpon also offers the chance to the anglers who can enjoy a moment of peace in the busy city. And if you will, you can even fish until evening. The sunset glow is the other beauty which makes people be charmed.

Try to think about it, if the water quality and volume of Keelung River were batter and constant, the spinal and non-spinal creatures would be much abundant. Therefore, there would be more and more Tarpon back to river, in the other hand, the anglers can fully enjoy fishing in the metropolis, too. That will be a good news for the anglers who live in Taipei.

毛鉤挑戰以往的不可能—竹篙頭Challenge the Impossibility─ Skin carp

Skin carp had been considered as the game fish which caught by lure fishing or fly fishing occasionally before. And it is not easy to catch Skin carp even fish with raw bite. However, the secret of Skin carp has been disclosed by him. One day, A-len invited me to fish Skin carp. With the conduct from A-len and the past raising experience, I caught four Skin carp within an hour. The Biggest Skin carp which I landed up was 31cm, even the smallest one was still up to 20cm. This was a great fishing experience, and a good example of match & hatch, too.
However, I am worried about that Skin carp will face the problem of over fishing. Because there are limited spot for fishing, it is not suitable to contain too many anglers to fish together. I urge anglers can cherish the fishing place and release all the fish. In addition, anglers can explore the other fishing place so that we can compare behavior difference of Skin carp population.

Friday, January 4, 2008

西式毛鉤在發現頻道 Fly Fishing Shows in Discovery Channel

Wesley長期從事國內西式毛鉤活動的推廣。在2007年八月底時,Wesley 接受「Discovery瘋台灣」 節目製作單位的訪問,並且到台北縣的坪林錄製一則有關生態旅遊的專輯。
Wesley devotes to popularizing fly fishing in Taiwan for a long time. Wesley had been interview by “Discovery Fun Taiwan” program in the end of August, 2007, and made a video-record in Pinglin, which is a feature about eco-tourism.
目的劇本大致上如以下:Discovery 瘋台灣的主持人Janet這回來到了台北縣的烏來和坪林。活動的前一晚,美麗的女主持人首先登門造訪Wesley的住處,而Wesley則是熱心的為Janet介紹基本的毛鉤釣認識,並且一同綁製毛鉤。第二天,場景拉到了坪林的溪邊,Wesley不但實際示範了西式毛鉤釣法的操作,解說當地豐富的生態資源,兩人還一起潛到溪裡觀察魚類生態。
The scenario of the feature is as follow. Janet, the beautiful hostess of “Discovery Fun Taiwan”, came to Wulai and Pinglin in this part. Before Janet setoff, she pay a visit to Wesley. Wesley introduced the basic recognition of fly fishing to Janet enthusiastically, and they also tied some flies for next day. In the next day, the screen shifted to the streamside of Pinglin. Wesley not only demonstrated the playing of fly fishing, but also narrated the characteristic of nature beauty in Pinglin. Later, Janet and Wesley even dived into the water and watch the fish in the stream.
The video-record spent two days to make it done. Even though the program only broadcasted ten minutes of recording in the whole feature, the development of fly fishing sport in Taiwan has made great progress by the way of this feature. And the feature also presented the elegance, knowledgeable and the nature-care of image of fly fishing to the audience via the international media.