因為這次釣遊,有了天下雜誌的那篇專訪,但來福隆,還真的是「早安」!清晨五點就到了海邊,天剛剛亮了,遠方的颱風,令朝霞美不勝收,在此刻拋投是人生的美事。Say good morning to Fulong! We arrived at Fulong beach in the early morning. The dark purple sky turned to blue, and the cloud of storm made the sunglow much brilliant. What a beautiful thing it was that having a fly fishing in such time.
隨著逐漸漲起的潮水,小魚毛鉤發揮功效,讓這天清晨的釣果還不錯!不過僅遇到15~20公分的六帶鯵(Caranx sexfasciatus),另外就是二、三尾三指幅的小花身雞魚(Therapon jarbua)也來捧場。
With the rising tide, the small fish streamer got the responds gradually. Even Kenny and I only caught some Jackfish in the size of 15~20cm and a few small Threestripe Tigerfish, it was not bad for the morning fishing.

只可惜當日天候不穩定,一是颱風外圍環流肆虐,先是小雨間歇,終被大雨打斷。 二是隆隆溪中下游有人施工,讓水越來越濁,以至於九點以後兩害相加,讓Kenny與我只得鳴金休兵。可惜!可惜!Unfortunately, such enjoyable fishing time didn’t maintain too long. Because the approaching typhoon bring the rain occasionally, in addition, Longlong stream made the water turn to dreggy refer to there was a construction under going in the upstream. Kenny and I were forced to end the fly fishing trip after 9 am. What a shame.
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