綁製線:8/0奶油色綁製線.......Thread:Uni 8/0 Cream
串珠:金屬藍玻璃串珠............Bead:Metal Blue Glass Bead
軀體:奶油色絲棉線...............Body:Cream Fross
簑毛:匈牙利鵪鶉體羽............Hackle:Hungarian Partridge Feather

To find a beautiful stream which clears the minds of fly travelers.
Dear mayfly and wesley,
ReplyDeletewould you mind if i post your blog to UK fly fishing forum. I want your blog can internationalise and UK fly fisher can understand the high quality of fly fish in Taiwan. If you agree my recommendation, please let me know.
Your friend,
We are welcome to share our blog to foreign friends! Wesley and I now are busy at work, we plan to update some articals later. And by the way, I have already planed the fishing spots for our UK travel, I will mail you all the detail of our travel schedue before we set out.