Shrding stream had been suffered from four days over-fishing since opening, the game of fishing had turned down obviously in the last opening day. Even though, we still decided to have a fly fishing trip to Shrding. Not for the games, but to experience what's the matter of fishing in the opening conservation.
Because the small stream was full of fishing guys, so we arrived the upstream of Bonshan stream as our fishing area, where is extremely cramped. Because of the environment limit and artificial interference, the fish in Bonshan stream are not easly to fish and the size of games tend to smaller than the other streams. Such circumstances has maitained for many years, even before the conservation set up.此次雖然釣況不佳,但David還是連續釣上幾條色澤鮮豔的紅貓(粗首鱲雄魚)。
Although the games was not well which just as what we expected. However, David and I still landed some beautiful male Zacco up.
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