Frankly to say, the results of fishing were not good in the past three day in Bozeman. In the other hand, the weather became colder and colder, so we finished the fishing in Cameron Bridge in advance then drove to Great Yellow Stone Fly Fishing Shop to buy some goods and also asked some information.

Fly Fishing Shop, people in the shop were surprised by us, and most of them though we were Japanese. After introducing ourselves, one man who named as Peter treated us much enthusiastic. He was a retired man and enjoyed the carefree living. He suggested us to fish in Manhattan, downstream of Gallatin R., there was his personal secret fishing spot.

Next day, we got up early and drove to Manhattan. Manhattan is tiny. When we penetrated through the town, all we saw was the no boundary ranch. Clear sunshine brightened the ground, cows lowed their head and chewed the grass. Fog in the distant place did not clear out yet. What a beautiful scenery it was. We followed the introduction of sign to move toward to river, then forward to upstream direction just as Peter said. According to his saying, we went forward to upstream for an half hour then could


The excitement soon was replaced with clam, I led the fish to shallow riverside and tried to defeated it. Because the flow was not as fast as Gallatin R., so it did not cost too much time to land this 15 inches brown trout up. This was my personal new record in America. With such cheerful result, William also landed several rainbow trout up, but they were small. The result encouraged us to keep moving to upstream.

The following spots we faced, were definitely good spots. But the wood piles in the pool which made by beaver became the big problem for us. However, just as the saying nothing ventured, nothing gained, even the spot caused us loose several flies quickly, Hank still caught a16 inches and 15 inches brown trout as the sweet return. Particularly, Hank had ran more than 100yds and crossed two riffle when he fought with a 15 inches brown trout.

During the fishing in the afternoon, it rained occasionally. Interestingly, when it started to rain, trout rose, once it stopped raining,

While we cut to main stream from the trail, I had picked up a wood as the mark. But we were lost in the return. What a big

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