After publishing the article which was about carp angling in 2003, such idea has been promoted for six years. Caddis and Allen are engaged in carp angling and promote it enthusiastically, there are many fly anglers devote themselves to angling carp with fly. Anglers mark the carp then release it, by doing so, it is a important milestone for establishing scientific observation.
某日,前往新店的一處釣點,也打算以鯉魚為目標,於是便攜帶了五號線重竿,並配合全浮線與羊毛吐司毛鉤(Wool Toast Fly),但稍微出乎意外的,卻不是緩緩浮起的鯉魚,而是一個較快的影子,啣了毛鉤就跑。由於河水流速不慢,魚兒聰明地順勢進入流心,這一下連五號線重竿也只有「撐著」了!
One day, I went to a fishery spot in Shindan and aimed at carp as the target. I carried #5 weighted tackle, angling with floating line and wool toast fly. It was beyond my expectation. The slow rise was not carp, but a swift shadow which took the fly then dived. Because the flow was not slow, the fish smartly ran into stream. And the strong against power made the #5 rod could do nothing except held until the fish was tired.還好釣竿的腰力頗佳,在一段時間的堅持後,魚兒漸漸地失去抵抗的力量。隨著重量線一圈一圈地收入捲線器,終於真相大白,是一條野化的小草魚(註)。雖然不是第一次以毛鉤釣獲草魚,但這作釣鯉魚的外道,還是為這趟釣遊帶來一些驚奇。或許,下次可以綁幾支「水草」毛鉤,看看是否能專攻草魚吧?!
Thanks to the rod is stiff enough, the fish relaxed against power gradually after a period of time. With the fly line was back to the reel around and around, I finally realized it was a small grass carp. Although it was not the first time that I caught grass carp with fly, the uninvited guest still offered a little surprise during this fly fishing trip. Perhaps, I could prepare several “weed fly” and have a try, to see weather it is possible to major in grass carp.
Note: Grass carp can not reproduce in Taiwan field, thus, the grass carp which caught from field are mostly introduced by people. Black carp and chub are the same.