Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Screaming of #5 Weighted Tackle 五號線重竿的嘶吼

There are two most exciting things for angling carp. One is carp accumulates experience and improve his judgment from angling. The other reason is the against power of carp increases several times by every 10cm longer of its’ size.像畫面裡的這尾野鯉,體長53公分,按照日本的魚類參考文獻推測,這樣的對手至少也有五、六歲以上(註),因此經過自然的挑戰、逃過人類的覬覦,已非泛泛之眾。加上生活在水質比河流更好的溪水裡,其戰力更是驚人,遠比生存於河流、池塘的同類強悍,也因此即便使用五號線重竿,也得花上七、八分鐘才能將其制服。
The Carp in picture is 53cm long, according to Japanese Fishery reference, the carp probably is at 5 or 6 age at least(note). He has been passed from the selection of nature, safe form the greed of fishers. He was not a novice at all. He lives in the stream where the water quality is much finer than river, therefore, his against power is greater than the one which lives in river or pool. Even using #5 weighted tackle, I still had to spend 7 or 8 minutes to land him up.

Look at him, he is just like wearing golden armor. I can not help exclaiming the beauty of wild Carp and the wildness of such beauty.

Note: The growing rate of carp by Japanese reference. (By Freshwater Fish of Japanese, Hill & Stream Press)
To Hatch: 3 to 6 days
Age 1: 12~16 cm
Age 2:18~25cm
Age 3: 25~35cm
Age 4: up to 35cm
The climate in Taiwan is much warmer than Japan, so the growing rate in Taiwan is a little faster than the North country. However, it is still impossible that the growing rate increases by times.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Catch Carp in Jingmei Stream 景美溪釣鯉

Carp angling, I thought it might be the recreation which was probably seven or eight years ago. Owing to the fishery field work of Taipei City Zoo Researcher, I got chance to angle carp in Pinling. I also read the book which was written by Mr. FUGIDA KATSUMASA, and I did a little improvement for the method which was introduced by the book. Then I had ever landed up tens carp in Wushir reservoir, Shrding stream and the other pools. And I had even written the first carp angling article.

Recently, Caddis was just back from UK and once I had told him with such idea, so I began to think over how to angle carp. In the end of July, after several times observation then I got off my hands. I caught a carp just in the second try successfully. A new page of carp angling has been opened in Jingmei River. Good times don’t last long, however. Kenny and Caddis has angled here for several times, and now carp has learned to “listen people’s words”. If angler would like to catch the carp here, he may have to pay a lot of efforts now.

Chub 鰷魚

Fish species:鰷魚 (Leuciscus cephalus)
Size: 17cm
Pattern: Pink Beadhead Pupa(粉紅色串珠踊型毛鉤)
The angler: Wesley Tso
Time: May, 2008
Place: River Tone, England (坦河,英格蘭)
Chub is widely spread in European waters, they can be easily found in the slow flowing rivers of England, Wales and Scotland. The common size is usually from 10cm to 30cm. Chub is polyphagous fish, the young chub often takes the piece of plants, insect, fish egg and worm, and the bigger chub takes small minnow or the other kinds of small fish. It is not difficult to angle chub at all, and it is fun, too. Chub is a good game fish for angling in city or suburbs.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

York Minster 約克大教堂


While traveling in England, we visited York. York is a small loving city and full of Humanities. York Minster is the landmark of city, the high towers can be seen from far away. Actually, It spent two centuries to make York Minster had been done, and it is also one of the biggest and famous minster in Europe. Despite the weather was not good, dark clouds hang on the sky, hoverver, the dark sky made the picture be much "English style".