Other name:Eastern brook trout, Brook char, Speckled trout, Square tail
Pattern:毛蟲毛鉤( Caterpillar Fly)
The angler:Wesley Tso
Place:日本 日光湯川(Niko Yu Stream, Japan)

Brook trout closely resemble to Char, However, his life history, habit and habitat are much similar to rainbow trout and brown trout. Basically, brook trout prefer low temperature than rainbow trout and brown trout. But it is the trout of Salvelinus fish which can endure higher temperaure.
Brook trout occur in Canada and eastern America. Brook trout was introduced to Niko Yo Lake in Japan, later, to the spring creek in the north Honshu. One of the obviously character of brook trout is with the line like amoeba shape on its back, and with red dots on the body. The size of brook trout which in the stream is about 15 to 40 cm, and the trout which lives in lake or the mature one, the size could be over 50cm.
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