這次參與比賽的捷克選手,一致選用了一款特殊的釣竿,該釣竿格外輕巧,並且能把重量線高舉,提離水面上,以施展捷克若蟲釣法。中快速調的調性設計是左承偉(Wesley Tso)所設計,竿子則是豐益(Morewell)製造,釣竿名稱為Mayfly 832,一把售價240歐元左右......
The English friend, Paul, sent us an article which was published by Grayling Society. The article reported an grayling fishing contest which was held in Europe, 2007. In the back of article, it mentioned the fishing tackles that anglers applied during the contest. One of the paragraphs is as following.
All members of the Czech team who go to the World Championship fish with this special rod. Because the rod is very light, it is excellent for Czech nymphing positions with the rod held high to keep the fly line out of water. The intermediate action and design is by Wesley Tso, and the rod is made by Morewell (Mayfly series rod code F832). The rod can be purchased from Kima at approximately 240 euros.
All members of the Czech team who go to the World Championship fish with this special rod. Because the rod is very light, it is excellent for Czech nymphing positions with the rod held high to keep the fly line out of water. The intermediate action and design is by Wesley Tso, and the rod is made by Morewell (Mayfly series rod code F832). The rod can be purchased from Kima at approximately 240 euros.
Mayfly 832始於1999年豐益黃老闆與小左首次合作,並在毛鉤工房的同好一起努力下,設計生產台灣的首批國產西式毛鉤竿(Mayfly 系列)。回首十年,台灣西式毛鉤發展有成,毛鉤工房、毛鉤屋不但推廣國內的西式毛鉤運動及相關知識,就連發展才十年的國產毛鉤竿,再繼Mayfly 832之後陸續又開發出了Traveler、Harrier系列,乃至於最新的Eclosion 8024等產品,其中Traveler系列還獲得二次歐洲展最佳產品獎的冠軍,深受歐洲地區釣友肯定,令人欣慰!
Mayfly832 originated in 1999. It was the first time that the owner of Morewell, Mr. Huang, cooperates with Wesley to develop fly rod. Besides, the members of Nature Fish Fly Man also participated in designing and testing Mayfly series, which is the first series of homemade fly rod. Looking back of ten years, there is a little of advancement for the promotion of fly fishing in Taiwan. Nature Fish Fly Man and Fly House have promoted fly fishing and the related knowledge for ten years. Despite the homemade fly rods have developed in recent years, the rods of Traveler, Harrier and the latest Eclosion8042 series have been developed continually which just after Mayfly832. Amongst these series of fly rods, Traveler series even win the champion of the Europe Fishing Tackle Exhibition twice. We are glad that European anglers are satisfied with Morewell fly rods.
However, I should not be too proud for myself, in contrast, I expect myself could be better and better, and make the fine works of fishing tackle of Taiwan be much obviously in international market. Meanwhile, I have to thank for Mr. Huang, the members of Nature Fish Fly Man, the supporters of homemade tackles and many people who offer support in the path of development.
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