Monday, July 18, 2011

The Variegated Carp in Pinling 坪林的錦鯉

Variegated carp should be the appreciate fish in garden, how can it be found in Jing Gua Liao Stream? No doubtly it was introduced by people. We have been consigned by academic institution to condut field investigation and removal of invasive fish since Febuary to December of 2009. Carps is the primary target above the upstream of check dam.

The existence of carp not only threatens the native shells and shrimps in the stream, carps also occupies the riverbed where native fish lays egg. Additionally, carps often search food by excavating on the riverbed, and such feeding behavior raises the mud in the pool. The muddy water absorbs much heat from sun shine easily which cause water temperature raise higher.

The sample collection, tag hitting and quantitatively investigation were the critical works during the research. After acquiring sufficient data on hand, then we can remove invasive species in the autumn. The variegated carp with tag, of course, was the removal target. By the autumn, the inspection team would use net to remove invasive species, and the carp would not be luckily released again.

The most difficult part for fishing carp in conservation zone is how to avoid hooking the other native fish.  Thus, toast fly was the good solution.  Among the tourists on the bike way, only one woman was well aware that I targeted the variegated carp as the only one objective.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Fantastic Museum for Fly Anglers ─ German Fishing & Hunting Museum一個令釣魚人瘋狂的博物館:慕尼黑漁獵博物館

尼黑最令我感到瘋狂的,不是啤酒節,而是一間博物館,一間專為漁獵愛好人士而設的漁獵文物博物館。垂釣與畋獵不只是人類獲取肉類食物的方式,也是中世紀貴族所從事的消遣活動 (請參考Julian Bernes所著的釣魚論文),因此,垂釣與畋獵活動在西方社會頗受人們的重視。慕尼黑漁獵博物館除了展示了許多漁獵戰利品與標本,獵槍、竹竿、魚鉤、漁獵飾品等各式漁獵器具的收藏更是令我驚奇不已。

The thing appeals to me in Munich is not Oktoberfest but a museum, a museum for the one who has passion on hunting and fishing. The Museum is Deutsches Jadg und Fischerei Museum (German Hunting and Fishing Museum). Hunting and fishing are not merely the ways people to get meat, they were also the sports for upper class people in the ancient time (refer to Treatise of Fishing with an Angle, by Julian Bernes). With such background, fishing and hunting are valued by people in the western. There were many great trophies of games in the museum, beside, those great numbers of hunting rifles, fishing poles, artificial flies and the other related works really amazed me.


There were two lively sculptures of games at the gate of museum. One is wild hog and the other one is catfish. Just as what I expected, many tourists seemed to show more interesting to the sculptures than the museum. Kids, always preferred to put their heads into the big mouth of catfish then took a funning picture. This was a very common phenomenon that appeared in front of the gate of museum every day. I thought that the museum should put a tip box at the side of sculptures, asking for some tips from tourists. Perhaps by doing so, the museum might be able to gain a well extra income.

More information:
Note: Photography is allowed in the museum.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is fishing difficult? 釣XX魚,難嗎?


Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Tuesday, January 18, 2011




