Wednesday, October 28, 2009

There! 在那兒!

西式毛鉤很多時候有強烈的「目視作釣」(Sight Fishing)性質,換句話說就是看到對象魚才出手,這點在國外釣鱒魚也用得到。於是透過資深的釣友或釣魚導遊判斷釣點,然後觀察出上浮(Rise)或魚影,再出手將事半功倍!
In most of the time, sight fishing is the strong characteristic of fly fishing. In the other words, the angler fish till he see the target fish. This is a useful rule when angling trout in the outland. It is much easy to catch a fish with the aid of experienced angler or fishing guide to help you to tell the angling points and observes the rise or shadow of fish.